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Choreography Feedback Session - Meraki

During this session, we had a sharing of the pieces we have been creating over the past six weeks. Our lecturer, Lucy Palmer, recorded all the performances and also asked each choreographer questions about their piece and who their inspiration was while choreographing, how we progressed through this creative process and how can we improve the process for future. 


Each student had the opportunity to give or receive constructive feedback. 


Some positive feedback that I received includes:

  1. Loved the fusion of Indian and Contemporary

  2. Great dynamics in choreography

  3. Dancers had good focus

  4. Movement matches music

  5. Good use of space

  6. Loved the theme of the dance and the music. 


Some targets that I could work on include:

  • Make sure your dancers are clear with the movement and the concept

  • Try using contact work with your dancers and see if you could add elements such as, layering, levelling.  

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