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Title: Meraki

Choreographer: Simran Timbadia

Dancers: Marie Finlayson and Francessa Rolfe

Music: Mausam for Escape - Slumdog Millionaire

Meraki is from the Greek origin. Meraki: the soul, creativity, or love put into something. 

Usually we interpret the general meaning, the concept of the word, but the feeling, the soul of it is lost in translation. There is a famous quote from Salman Rushdie, 'To unlock a society, look at its untranslatable words.'


I chose this title for my piece as everytime I dance, I intend to do it with a lot of passion and I try to put my heart and soul into it and that is something I will continue follow as for me dance has and will always be my first love. I I want the dancers dancing this piece to feel equally passionate if not more about dance. 

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