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Self - Reflection

Jazz Technique Feedback:

You have obvious background and grounding in Jazz Techniques. Over the first term you have been developing your Classsical Jazz Technique, thinking about posture, alignment, control and placement. I can see a distinct improvement and a development of your execution of class work. 

I feel that you now need to think about how to improve your flexibility and this could then help some of the technique exercises such as kick combinations, jumps and leaps. However, the leaps have vastly improved since last year. 

You have really worked hard to enhance your spins and pirourettes, this is evident during the traveling sequences. 


Graham Based Technique:

Over the first part of the term you have been working really hard in Graham Based Technique. I feel that you are now thinking about what is hapening with your body while it is moving in space. You are beginning to think about Graham's technique and how this transpires to your own body as a dancer. I feel that you could deepen your contraction slightly more throughout the classes, this only emphasised with continous rehearsal and practice of the technique. As this is your first term that you have been introduced to Graham's movement language I feel that you have made an exciting attempt of evolving and merging this with your body and its facility. You must start to develop your flexibility, this will really help you when executing these exercises. Try and stretch each day when you are not training. 

Keep up the good work!





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